Nature never wanted a human soul to be alone. This is a human condition formed from the ego, and of necessity, built. Nature does not make us separate in you and me, them, and that we do. Nature would not lead to end a relationship. It would lead to two branches, one way to adapt to each other to be found. Both would be a curve a little.
Singledom is a state of the ego. It's a lifestyle choice. Someone might say: "I like the single life," they mean "I like it well, I like themost important person in my private life "but you can not self-righteous or self-obsessed in a relationship that is impossible.
Other people are single and say: "I wish I were not," but this is also a lifestyle choice. This person wants the house the way "THEY" like it. They want the car, as "they" like it. You want to have bought the children, the way "they" like it. You want to be the relationship, as "they" like it. Individuality and independence go handin-hand with singledom. You can not be right all the time in relationships.
Many people are in relationships, but they are single. You have the house the way "YOU", as she and her partner is her garden, as "they" like it. So there are two individuals, regardless boundary around the house and in their hearts. Boundaries in the relationship as hand holds on a rock face, beautiful, take a break, but you can not stay there forever.
Two souls merged withLove can never be happy together. Together they can only love. The soul has no feeling, so happy is not the experience of the soul. That I can be happy, but two souls in love is to two egos are both happy and sad, supported and called into question. That is the difference between hippie love (all the joy and happiness) and real divine love () and blissfully happy and sad and fucked up. The soul has only one ambition, a search for yourself to be found. It is motivated not by happy or sad, it is motivated to searchfor love, more support, challenge.
Our soul mate is to us and we are looking for them. But we can not alone, single. So many individuals are found, however, is devoted to not realize that by being single, they kill their way. Have you ever tried to look in a dirty mirror? There is no reflection. It is the same as a soul. It can never "know yourself" it can only know that there is reflection. The mirror of the soul is a lover, a partner in a relationship. And the moreRelationship challenges your ego, the deeper, in your soul, so long as you can grow, and humble enough to learn - and not be stuck in ego - always right)
Many individuals are looking for the "right" Very often a single person, "I know someone who is also single and she will ask" how many heads they have and how many can say that "So individual person has built a cardboard picture of their perfect partner and areSearching for the right person fit through the cutout step. But they are always individual, because cardboard cut out is in the way of love.
The real demon
Then there are individuals who enter the story. They have dancing skeletons in the closet and the skeletons around in her head. A rape, a broken heart, a misuse of a lost love, a parent who passed. Something happened in the past that their confidence has any strength in humanity and love. This person isis really dead. They died with the event and have been struggling for courage. It is easy to be seduced, someone back into a One Night Stand, but that person, from the edge of love, very soon after.
It is this last scenario that the worst is. First, because, if not inevitably lead to treat a disease, cancer, illness or accident. Secondly, because it will hurt allot of people.
The master of seduction is this person with unfinishedBusiness. We all have been expressed and suppressed. Whoever masters the art of seduction and play is open always the one who is the exact opposite of a deep, deep wound, which is suppressed to prevent her heart.
Sometimes open legs to give the impression of an open heart. Sometimes a lover of pleasures, their partner's one early evening in the deeper reality of the loneliness and desperation for love mask. Sometimes the most needy are is an indication of love to heal all the wounds toinside.
Nature is a bitch in this game. Their mission is the growth, development of the planet and its specie. We are one of them. So, what we love, we do not win. In sharp contrast to the work of amateur psychologists who are making DVD's and send them with a sense of "secret message" the attraction that can build the ego, far weaker than true natures. Nature teaches us to love. This is our way. So she takes the things that we hate, and they areus.
What we repress, Express more. Excess and deficiency. If we hate laziness, our lovers lazy. Nature explains what we judge in this world that we cultivate in our children to move into our beloved or discover that we are, by some strange twist of fate, we become what we are judged.
The skeletons in the closet to keep us connected to the past. We can violate our ex-partner for us to blame, and find agree on a therapist. We could blame our parents from harassment, unjustifiable, and ourIncompetence in relationships for the rest of our lives. We may regret for the depression and near devastation we experienced in the hands of a broken love affair. There are so many pains and losses, and memories that build a wardrobe, no, a whole museum of skeletons in the closet.
Soul Solutions (solutions for those who do not get it)
What solution for the lonely soul whose skeletons they cause pain? We can not a person, we can onlyChange the way you think, as they do. First, they must see that someone is angry with an important phase of separation, but a very temporary phase. Second, they must see that they get exactly what she wanted in her life, even if they blame someone for their entire lives.
Nature does not do one curst to humans. That is the role of the vengeful god of basic research into religion. Nature does nothing so vindictive. It teaches us to love more of the world that weJudge. Let's say you were with your lover, and they left you. This could be a terrible shock for you on a plane because you expressed that you wanted a life with his mistress. But we will be, and repressed emotions here (the myth of positive thinking falls apart) - the more you say "I'll stay here, the more cover on the part of you that fears the exact opposite (- next week too long).
Nature does not inflict a curse, but it is notdeceived as anyone else, perhaps the seductive side to take your personality. Nature knows both sides, the expressed and repressed, and RSS feeds one, that it is necessary for balance. The more you deceive someone, the blame is more natural to you. The more you conceal or suppress a part of you, the more the forces of nature around you (sometimes your lover) to express. Love is a balance on both sides and see nothing, is love.
Actually, there are only two emotionsthat can keep a skeleton in the closet, and therefore prevent this universal level, that a man always in love. Anxiety and guilt.
Fear is always the future. If something happened in the past, and we fear it happening again, or we are in uncertain circumstances, fear of the future can block our dreams and our dreams are necessary to ensure that the form of long-term bonds of love.
The guilt of the past. A painful experience. Even the death of a parent, domestic violence, is deceived. AllThis leads human guilt. Guilt is not limited to the Catholic Church, although they seem to have perfected it and marketing it well, we're all apparently under the ravages of guilt for events that we have no control.
Why is this so and how we deal with this?
Lets give an example. Her partner was not the standards that you had hoped. She worked hard to raise the standards, you do more, gave more to you, you love her even more, but they did not meet the standards. She trainsshe asked her, she wanted to improve, you invited them to attend workshops, read books, how to improve things. Suppose it was you.
One day they will announce to you that she had an affair, and that was the end. They came from you and all your friends that you had complained about your loved one unable to be the quality of justice to be agreed with you, "at the time, she said:"
But as the months pass and years, you have a few loose your party nights with hungry fansand flirt with some data, you begin to feel sad. There was something in the old relationship that was really good, what you are missing. And you begin to realize how much you really loved that Sun of a gun .... the crazy lady ... that so lazy and so .. that emotional fruitcake .... All of a sudden, you miss her terribly .... You are now trapped. You can not go into another relationship depend on the past, and you can not go back. Now you can have a single. And, believe it or not, isAt 95% of all individuals over 25 years.
Stuck in the middle. New relationships are not working or not of interest, the old, which you complained about bitterly, while you start in it, better and better. The universe has to love you, and you pushed him away.
And it is the fault.
She had the love and you compared that person to a book, an idea, a conflict with your parents or similarity to your father or mother, you iconifiedtheir behavior as the measure of love, but of what in your heart. And now, with time and space, you know, knows what love really means.
There are one million process of dealing with debt. You can contact therapists and churches and non-meditation and yoga and all sorts of mental gymnastics with self-help gurus and teachers. But you can not always eliminate debt.
Guilt is love.
Live with Spirit - make every moment count
Chris Walker