Now, more than ever we go. We pack our bags, make sure we do not forget the sunscreen to keep our passport in his back pocket and head for the door. But so often we take our own little world with us. Working all year round for those precious few weeks in the sun, which we hardly left the hotel pool, where a scrambled egg breakfast is a must and all the other guests to speak with the same "normal" accent as we do. What, I ask you, is the point of crossing continentsliving life exactly as we do at home!
And what it means to really stay? What is the difference between going on vacation and travel? More than everything is about your emotional state and the reasons why you go in the first place. Travel is to experience and new experiences that you have to be open to them, upload them they have. Sometimes this can be difficult, even frightening, because it strengthens funds out of the comfort zone. It means, embarrassing moments, strange places, strange foodand customs and lifestyles that appear strange, and often the exact opposite of their own belief system. But is not that what the world interesting?
Why do we do? What is the reward for making all this effort? Why do people go out of their way to strange, hot, dusty, freezing rain, or travel to strange places delicacies from parts of animals they have never heard of, taste, sat in uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous situations, deal with the jet lag and theCulture shock? The reward is education. The reward is the life. You can decide how some of these strange delights. You might make some new friends. They will certainly tell some stories, and you will definitely learn something. Their reward is self-knowledge, growth and knowledge. It is the fact that you defied the world and found out it is not so scary after all.
Lonely Planet estimates that by the year 2020 1.5 billion people on the move "willeach year. That is more than a 6th the population of the world. The world has to be shrunk to the point of a single global suburb. For the more adventurous, it can travel more difficult now that the cultures merge at a rapid rate. Countries importing not only goods and services, but customs and beliefs. Therefore, mankind is still may eventually be just that: a single race. Ideal for tolerance, but it would be a less interesting world. So, before this is done to explore, learn, experience. AsThe late author James Michener once said: "If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you should stay home."