วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What Constitutes True Wealth?

What is true wealth? It is defined by a fat bank account and the ability to spend money without fear of consequences? Is driving a fast sports car costs represent at least six figures, you're rich? What is a large house with live-in help to answer all of your needs and desires? While most people the volume of material goods as a measure of success, I argue that only those who have peace and happiness in every area of life, the only ones who are reallyrich.

To be really successful, you have many harmonious experience. For example, Howard Hughes is probably the best known example of a monetarily rich man, who was also one of the poorest people on the planet. Think about it. What had his money for him? Yes, he could buy nice things and the people who take care of her, but he was basically a recluse, a prisoner in his own world. No, he can not as a really rich, because so many elements of his life were invalidof happiness.

Likewise, you can have all the money and power in the world, but you can not really looking forward to your blessings if you are sick all the time. Many wealthy people have all the best medical care that money can buy and still had suffered immensely on a daily basis.

As it stands will be poor in spirit? You can have a lot of possession and seem the perfect life for outsiders, but you have to be really rich if you have a hollow void at the heart of the soul? Behonest, no one can have harmonic wealth, if he/she feels as if something important is still missing.

In addition to spiritual loneliness, a lot of people with money are socially lonely. When you have a lot of cash in the bank, how do you know when acquaintances like you because of you effervescent personality? What if individuals are simply hoping to be a recipient of generosity? Trust must be a big issue with the wealthy, or why would so many well to do couples have to sign Prenuptial agreements?

On the other hand, you have ever had a family, with barely two pennies to rub together, but they seem to have the perfect life? Life is full of friends and family, good health is in abundance, spirituality is an integral part of who they are and they are really missing anything. Who's really rich?

If you really get rich, do not put all your energy into making big bucks. Consider all the other aspects of your life. Focus onEnrichment of each element of your life. Then you can say you've discovered the true meaning of the harmonic richness.


